In this section of the site are collected in FidoCad projects presented
on this site. Each of these is freely available and workable in a home
made, however, for those who for technical reasons or for lack of time,
are not capable of self produce will be given the possibility of
obtaining, if necessary, if possible, assembled and tested . In this
case, however, need to repay the cost of materials and shipping. I want
to demonstrate clearly that it is not commercial products, as this site
has no commercial character. All projects on display are of a hobby,
in some cases nothing more than toys, so do not assume any
responsibility for their possible use in different context from the
It is expressly forbidden their use in industrial environments.
Anyone who makes a different use and fun hobby that he takes direct
How to obtain printed circuit boards "home made" d and design of
the site.
My work does not provide direct sales of electronic circuit boards or
printed circuit boards (PCBs) assembled or not. E ', however, you can
obtain the PCB, or in some cases the product assembled and tested for a
limited number of copies.
Check availability of the PCB site or by writing to the assembled
projects to
Project Code