Home > Electronic Tutorials > Microcontroller Based Schematics > 8051 Development System Circuit Board

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8051 Development System Circuit Board

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Parts List

Quantity Reference Part
2 C1,C2 33pf
5 C3,C4,C5,C6,C7 >1uf, 16V (for the MAX232)
1 C8 100uf (>6.3 Volt)
1 C9 100uf (>16 Volt)
3 C10,C11,C12 0.1uF (Decoupling Caps)
1 D1 13V Zener, Digi-Key # 1N4743ACT
1 D2 5.6V Zener, Digi-Key # 1N4734ACT
2 D3,D12 1N4001 Rectifier Diode
8 D4,D5,D6,D7,D8,D9,D10,D11 LED, Digi-Key Part # P437
1 R1 1MEG
1 R2 1K
3 R4,R5,R6 10K
8 R7,R8,R9,R10,R11,R12,R13,R14 470 Ohm
1 U1 87C51 (or equiv)
1 U2 74HC373 (Octal Latch)
1 U3 6264 (8K x 8 SRAM)
1 U4 AM28F256 (Flash ROM)
1 U5 82C55 (I/O Chip)
1 U6 74HC138 (3:8 Decoder)
2 U7,U8 74C00
1 U9 MAX232
1 Y1 11.0592 MHz Xtal
2 P1, P2 DB-9 Female Connector, Digi-Key Part # A2100
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