Home > Electronic Tutorials > Microprocessor Tutorials (8085/8085A) > 8085 / 8085A Stack I/O and Machine Control Instructions

Microprocessor Tutorials (8085/8085A)

8085 / 8085A
Stack I/O and Machine Control Instructions

Stack I/O, and Machine Control Instructions:

The following instructions affect the Stack and/or Stack Pointer: 

PUSH - Push Two bytes of Data onto the Stack

POP - Pop Two Bytes of Data off the Stack

XTHL - Exchange Top of Stack with H & L

SPHL - Move content of H & L to Stack Pointer

The I/0 instructions are as follows: 

IN - Initiate Input Operation

OUT - Initiate Output Operation

The Machine Control instructions are as follows:

EI - Enable Interrupt System

DI - Disable Interrupt System

HLT - Halt

NOP - No Operation

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